Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Photos from South America - Colombia

It has been a great five weeks of exploration, but now it is time to leave South America.
Military are everywhere in Colombia, though my bus was only stopped and searched once. They are actually quite friendly and posed for the nice photos, complete with smiles.
El Capitan by Botero cracked me up. I went to the Botero Museum here in Bogota today and enjoyed it thoroughly.
I did not eat the giant red mushroom you see here, although I was sick with stomach problems for a few days.
The town square is in Villa de Leyva and is the largest in Colombia. It and the rest of the streets in town are paved entirely of large cobbles, which keeps the cars down to 5 mph - better than speed humps, which are everywhere here. It is a neat colonial town whose buildings have not changed for four hundred years.
The other photo is the hostel I stayed in in Villa de Leyva - had the upper dorm room (with five others) for under $6 per night. A relaxing place.
Take Care - Next stop ... well, check back in. I am at the airport now.